Faculty Achievements:
Research and Publications
Dr. Jagdish Kumar
I. Research Projects:
- Undertook UGC, New Delhi funded Minor Research Project titled, “Printing Press and Development of Punjabi Language, 1849-1919” for the amount of Rs. 1,10,000/ in April 2010.
II. Curriculum Design:
- Significant contribution in preparing Syllabus for the Under Graduate Course in History as member of Undergraduate Board of Studies in History of Panjab University, Chandigarh for the period 1.4.2009 to 31.3.2013.
III. Publications:
- Book Titled Communal Politics in the Punjab, published by Unistar Books Pvt. Ltd., Chandigarh, 2010.
- Research Paper titled “Communalism - A Historiographical Analysis” published in Proceedings-Punjab History Conference-41 st Session, Punjabi University, Patiala, 2010.
- An Abstract titled “Communalism : A Historiographical Analysis” published in Proceedings of Indian History Congress-64 th Session, held at University of Mysore, Mysore from 28-30 December, 2003.
IV. Papers Presented in International , National Conferences/ Seminars :
a) International Conferences
- Presented a paper titled “The Arya Samaj and Hindu Consciousness in the Colonial Punjab” at 72 nd session of Indian History Congress held at Punjabi University, Patiala, 10-13 December, 2011.
- Presented a Paper titled “Communalism in Modern India-A Historiographical Analyses” in 74 th session of Indian History Congress, held at Cuttack-Orissa on 28-30/12/2013.
- Presented a paper titled “Communalism - A threat to the Composite Culture of the Punjab” in an International conference on Social Space of Composite Culture in the Punjab held at PURC- Kauni Muktsar on 6-7 Nov. 2014.
b) National Conferences
- Presented a paper titled, “Communalism-A Historiographical Analysis”, at Punjab History Conference held at Punjabi University, Patiala on 14-16 March, 2009.
- Presented a paper titled “Punjabi language and Language Policy in Colonial Punjab” in National Conference on Information Technology, Society and Literary Restructuring during 12-13 March, 2012 organized by Panjab University Regional Centre, Muktsar.
- Presented a Paper titled “Rise and Growth of Hindu Politics in Colonial Punjab 1890-1920” in National Seminar on Imaging the Punjab: Politics, Society, Culture and Literature organised by Panjab University Rural Centre, Kauni (Muktsar) on 6-7/02/2014.
c) National Seminars
- Presented a paper titled “Arya Samaj and Hindu consciousness in colonial Punjab”, at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Political Ideas of Swami Dayanand: Impact and Relevance in 21 st Century India’ held at R.K. Arya College, Nawanshahr on 24/02/2009.
- Presented a paper titled “Swami Vivekanand and colonialism in India”, at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Socio-Economic and Religious ideas of Swami Vivekanand’ held at R.K. Arya College, Nawanshahr on 25/09/2010.
- Presented a paper titled “Historical Perspective of Human Rights Violation”, at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Violation of Human Rights in Punjab-A Case of Peasants’ suicide’ held at Guru Nanak National College, Doraha on 22-23/01/2011.
- Presented a paper titled “Human Rights Violation in colonial India”, at UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Defining Human Rights: Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities’ held at Guru Nanak College, Killianwali (Muktsar) on 23/02/2011.
- Presented a Paper titled “Marriage in Globalised India: Challenges and Responses” in National Seminar on Human Rights Issues in Early Marriage organised by Centre for Women Studies, University of Calicut- Kerala on 17/10/2013.
- Presented a Paper titled “Colonialism and Communalism in Colonial Punjab” in National Seminar on Nature of Nationalism in Punjab – from Ghadar to Ghadar organised by G.H.G Khalsa College, Gurusar Sudhar Ludhiana on 30/03/2015.