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The NCC was created as University Corps under the Indian Defense Act, 1917 with the objective to train students for the Army. In 1920, when the Indian Territorial Act was passed, the “University Corps” was replaced by the “University Training Corps” (UTC). In 1942, the UTC was renamed as the “University Officers Training Corps” (UOTC). In September 1946, under the chairmanship of Kunzru, a committee was set up for establishment of a nation-wide youth organization. The Government of India accepted the recommendations of the committee and prepared a bill. It was passed by the Parliament and ‘The National Cadet Corps (NCC)” came into existence on 15 July 1948 under Nation Cadets Corps Act (No. XXXI of 1948).
To widen the scope of NCC Training, the Army NCC unit in Girls Division was introduced in 1949. Air force and Naval NCC Units followed soon in 1950 and 1952 respectively. This voluntary youth organization, which started with 20,000 cadets, is today probably the largest uniformed youth organization in the world with 13 lakh cadets (boys and girls). The NCC Head quarter is in New Delhi headed by a Director General with the rank of Lieutenant General. He is assisted by two Additional Director Generals (A and B) of two-star rank (Major-General, Rear-Admiral or Air Vice-Marshal). Control and co-ordination are exercised through 17 State Directorates with each headed by an Additional Director General or Deputy Director General of the rank of Major General or Brigadier or equivalent ranks of the Navy and Air Force. At present, there are 96 NCC Group HQs and 800 units located throughout the country providing NCC coverage to 633 districts. There are two training establishments namely Officers Training Academy, Kamptee (Nagpur, Maharashtra) for male officers and Officers Training Academy, Gwalior for women.
NCC is a tri - service organization and consists of Army, Navy and Airforce which trains lakh of students under its fold. Students who have undergone NCC training have self-discipline, leadership qualities and good value systems. It has played an important role in the all-round development of the youth of our country and in grooming future leaders in all fields. The contribution of the National Cadet Corps in the process of nation building and national integration has been commendable and worth imitating.
The National Cadet Corps is a vibrant organization with pool of well-motivated and distinguished boys and girls. The well-designed curriculum of National Cadet Corps, consisting of myriad 3 training, adventure, cultural and social activities is of immense value to the young generation, enabling them to take on the challenges of the modern world. NCC Cadets can also join Defense services. The National Cadet Corps (NCC) started in Khalsa College, Garhdiwala in the year of 1966 when college was established. The college has one unit of NCC comprising 55 Cadets.



Dr.Amandeep Singh
Mobile: 9915651698
Official website of NCC :


The NCC is headed by a Director General with the rank of Lieutenant General. He is assisted by two Additional Director Generals (A and B) of two-star rank (Major-General, Rear Admiral or Air Vice-Marshal). Five Brigadier level officers and other civil officials also assist him. The Headquarters is located in Delhi. The organisational structure continues as follows:

  • Directorate – There are 17 Directorates located in the state capitals headed by an officer of the rank of a Major General from the three Services.
  • Group – Depending upon the size of the state and growth of NCC in the states, Directorates have up to 14 Group Headquarters under them through which they exercise their command and control of the organisation in the state. Each group is headed by an officer of the rank of Brigadier or equivalent known as Group Commander. Kerala and Lakshwadeep Directorate have 5 Groups.
  • Battalion- Each NCC Group Headquarters control 5-7 Units (Bns) commanded by Colonel/ Lt.Col or equivalent.
  • Subunit (Company) – Each Unit (Battalion) consists of companies which are commanded by the Associate NCC Officer (ANO) of the rank of lieutenant or equivalent to major or equivalent.

In all there are 95 Group Headquarters in the country who exercise control over a network of 667 Army Wing Units(including technical and girls unit), 60 Naval Wing Units and 61 Air Squadrons. There are two training establishments namely Officers Training School, Kamptee (Nagpur, Maharashtra) and Women Officers Training School, Gwalior.

  Aims of NCC :

  • The Aim of National Cadet Corps is to develop qualities of Character, Courage, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure and the ideals of selfless Service among the Youth of the Country.
  • To Create a Human Resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated Youth, to provide Leadership in all walks of life and be always available for the Service of the Nation.
  • To provide a Suitable Environment to Motivate the Youth to Take Up a Career in the Armed Forces.

 Motto of NCC :

  • Unity and Discipline

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 Benefits: Certificates & Examinations

There are two Certificates in NCC at our College level
  • Certificate – B : SD/SW cadet can appeared in B certificate in second year of NCC. In the second year of training. Cadets should be in +2/Second year of his/her degree course. The candidate must have attended a minimum 75% of total training periods laid down in the syllabus for the first & second years of SD/SW NCC. He/she must have attended one Annual Training Camp/NIC.
  • Certificate – C: It is the most important certificate for NCC cadet. Now it can be taken in the 3rd year of training. Those having B certificate can appear in the first year after his/her +2 and in the 1st year of degree by SD / SW cadets only. The candidate must possess a ‘B’ certificate. Must have attended two ATCs or one ATC and in addition to it RD Camp Delhi, Centrally Organised Camp, Para Training Camp, Attachment Training with service units, National Integration Camp, Youth Exchange Programme.